Newsletter Chelsea Dowell Newsletter Chelsea Dowell

Newsletter: Why you might need a school street this September

A few scenarios where school streets can come to the rescue: a building doesn't have recreation space, inside or outside, the street outside a school is gridlocked with traffic, making it dangerous for students to enter or exit, a sidewalk is overflowing with kids, parents, & educators during peak hours, or construction has limited the available space inside or outside a school building.

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Newsletter Chelsea Dowell Newsletter Chelsea Dowell

Newsletter: Calls to make & dates to save for congestion pricing

What a week. While Governor Hochul desperately scrambles to replace congestion pricing's projected $15 billion to the MTA, we're staying focused on the congestion part of congestion pricing. We need fewer cars in the city. And while we know that funding our inadequate transit system is essential, we cannot lose sight of congestion pricing's intent (in the name!) to reduce congestion. No amount of replacement funding will fix that like congestion pricing will.

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Newsletter Chelsea Dowell Newsletter Chelsea Dowell

Newsletter: This is your official notice: it's public space season 😎

If you're a New Yorker, I don't need to tell you: it's nice outside. One of the greatest pleasures of city life comes when the weather gets consistently nice and everyone starts seeking out that perfect bench, boulder, tree stump or free stair to take in all the good city vibes. This week we're celebrating the big burst of outdoor activity coming your way these next few weeks. Check out all the great ways to get outside inside this week’s newsletter.

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Newsletter Chelsea Dowell Newsletter Chelsea Dowell

Newsletter: Three things NYers need from Albany | Session ends soon! ⏰

All eyes on Albany! New Yorkers were celebrating earlier this month when Sammy's Law, which allows the city to set its own, lower, speed limits, was signed into law after years of advocacy. One victory, three to go. Here are opportunities on the horizon for Albany to make New York City's streets safer and more livable before the session wraps in 12 days.

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Newsletter Chelsea Dowell Newsletter Chelsea Dowell

Newsletter: A glossary to define the ABCs of livability 🍎

The movement for livable streets is full of inside lingo & specialized terms. Chicane, sneckdown, bulb-out; mode shift, density, induced demand. It can make anyone's head spin. Our new livable streets glossary is here to help. It's chock full of terms, tools & schools of thought that make up the livability movement. Even livability is in there!

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Newsletter Chelsea Dowell Newsletter Chelsea Dowell

10 ideas for getting NYers to love congestion pricing

Later this spring, congestion pricing will give us an unprecedented opportunity to improve New York's walkability, micromobility, and livability. But public officials and the media seem to be stuck talking about how it'll impact drivers and the “sacrifices” some will have to make for the greater good. We're focusing on the positive! Here are ten things congestion pricing can & should do for all New Yorkers — if Mayor Adams, Albany, the MTA, and the DOT act.

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Newsletter Chelsea Dowell Newsletter Chelsea Dowell

Newsletter: Daylighting milestone | OP in the news | Paris on film | & more!⚡️

Things feel like they're thawing (if only temporarily) in New York City, and it's inspiring a flurry of activity! Last Thursday we hosted our second annual Public Space Awards - we want to thank everyone who joined us and made it such a fun night. If you missed it, you can still snag this cute sticker sheet that declares your love of public space while supporting the work we do to help make more of it!

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Newsletter Carl Mahaney Newsletter Carl Mahaney

Newsletter: Changing minds - & curbs - on the UWS

There’s a process underway on the Upper West Side that aims to tackle a vexing inequity and inefficiency on New York City streets, and we’re pretty excited about its potential. The NYC DOT is conducting a Smart Curbs Pilot with the goal of rebalancing curb use to benefit all New Yorkers, not just the minority who own cars.

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