Support Outdoor Dining in NYC

Your favorite outdoor cafés need your help — don't let them fade away. Support a more equitable, sustainable program and your donation will be MATCHED!

You've seen the joyful evolution of our city's streetscape with vibrant, popular dining options. But, too many restaurants are having to shutter their beloved streeteries for good under the burden of a seasonal program.

Help us advocate for a truly sustainable outdoor dining program, one that operates year-round and is more accessible for small businesses and restaurant-lovers like you. This program shouldn’t be reserved for the wealthier neighborhoods - people should enjoy this program in all of the boroughs.

When you donate today, your gift’s impact is doubled up to $25,000 thanks to the generosity of three Open Plans supporters. Support the silver lining of the pandemic and show your love for your neighborhood restaurants. Let’s tell City Hall that our streets belong to people!

Our deep gratitude to Peter Frishauf & KC Rice for doubling your donation up to $20,000 and Erik Weber for matching an additional $5,000 raised.


Open Plans is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Your contribution is tax deductible. Our federal employer identification number (EIN) is 13-4111130.

Note: When you give through your Donor-Advised Fund, be sure to note that you'd like your grant to support outdoor dining!

Give now from your
Donor-Advised Fund

Need help with your donation? Reach out to us at